Developing a Sexual & Reproductive Justice Agenda for Scotland

Carrie Purcell*, Ingrid Young, Nicola Boydell, Julie Riddell, Ruth Lewis, Santini Basra

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The SRJ Scotland project consists of a series of focused partnership- and idea-generation
activities designed to support development of an innovative sexual and reproductive health
(SRH) policy and research agenda in Scotland, informed by a reproductive justice (RJ)
The project, which began in early 2024, capitalises on a diversity of existing relationships,
bringing together interdisciplinary and cross-sector partners in an innovative way, to
explore opportunities to address key SRH policy gaps. Taking abortion and contraception as
an initial focus (concentrating on key concerns in the Scottish context), this work is
intended to generate early-stage proposals for collaborative research plans, and form
building blocks for a broader programme of work around SRH justice within Scotland and
across the UK. Aligning with current policy concerns, the project will support new
developments to address urgent issues in contemporary policy and practice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe OU in Scotland
PublisherThe Open University
Publication statusPublished - 26 Nov 2024


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