Digestion by fungal glycanases of arabinoxylans with different feruloylated side-chains

G Wende, S C Fry

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Alcohol-insoluble residues (AIRs) from Festuca and Zea cell cultures contained 7.4 and 35 nmol esterified ferulate mg(-1), respectively. Driselase solubilised 79% of the feruloylated material from both AIRs. Of the feruloyl esters solubilised from Festuca and Zen AIRs, 72 and 56% respectively were small enough to be mobile on paper chromatography. The major feruloylated product of Zea ATR was the known 5-O-feruloyl-alpha-L-Araf-(1 --> 3)-beta-D-Xylp-(1 --> 4)-D-Xyl(Fer-Ara-Xyl-Xyl). In contrast, the smallest major feruloylated product of Festuca AIR was a feruloyl pentasaccharide (3) containing 3 Xyl, 1 Ara and 1 non-pentose residue (NPR). The Ara and two of the three Xyl groups of 3 were resistant to NaIO4. Mild acid hydrolysis of 3 gave xylobiose, a feruloyl trisaccharide and beta-o-Xylp-(1 --> 2)-(5-O-feruloyl)-L-Ara. Compound 3 was therefore NPR-(1 --> 3)-beta-D-Xylp-(1 --> 2)-(5-O-feruloyl)-alpha-L-Araf-(1 --> 3)-beta-D-Xylp-(1 --> 4)-D-Xyl. We conclude that the complex feruloyl oligosaccharide side-chains of Festuca arabinoxylan do not protect the polysaccharide against hydrolysis by the fungal glycanases present in Driselase. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1123-1129
Number of pages7
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jul 1997


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