Discipline in education

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Abstract / Description of output

This entry documents four different philosophies of discipline in education: a punishment philosophy, a rule driven philosophy, a motive-content philosophy and a personal-relational philosophy. In respect to each philosophy, discussion focusses on 1) what discipline is and 2) how its use in education might be justifiable. It is argued that there are at least three ways of justifying the use of discipline in formal educational contexts; when it is rules-based in a way that is morally educational, when it connects student interests and motives to the material to be learned and when it helps students to overcome the human tendency towards ego-centricity. It is also noted that behaviour management approaches problematically dominate disciplinary practices in many Western schools. As such, it is concluded that discipline in education might need to be done very differently in practice, if it is to be educationally justifiable in practice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory
Subtitle of host publicationLiving Edition
EditorsMichael Peters, David Aldridge
ISBN (Electronic)9789812875327
Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2019


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