Diseases and Surgery of the Globe and Orbit

Claudia Hartley, Rachael A. Grundon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Abstract / Description of output

Diseases of the equine orbit may not be as common as diseases in other parts of the equine eye, but the impact of orbital disease is very high. The globe and orbit are subject to trauma, inflammation, neoplasia, congenital disease, and extension of disease into the orbit from adjacent cranial cavities, particularly the sinuses. This chapter describes diseases of the orbit and globe surgery, with emphasis on diagnostics, medical therapy, and surgical management. The orbit is completely lined with a strong, multilayered periosteum/periorbitum. Although the horse typically does not display much independent globe motion, entrapment or compression of the globe within the orbit may be evaluated by taking advantage of the oculokinetic reflexes of the vestibular system. Diseases of the equine orbit result in profound cosmetic changes, and, in almost all cases, vision loss occurs. Further improvements in implant materials will generate new cosmetic procedures for individuals with painful or severely damaged globes.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEquine Ophthalmology
Subtitle of host publicationFourth Edition
Number of pages54
ISBN (Electronic)9781119782285
ISBN (Print)9781119782254
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2022

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • cosmetic procedures
  • equine orbit
  • globe surgery
  • implant materials
  • medical therapy
  • oculokinetic reflexes
  • orbital disease
  • surgical management


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