Dual-tasking or concurrent multitasking

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary

Abstract / Description of output

Dual-tasking or concurrent multitasking is the ability to coordinate the performance of two or more tasks at the same time. Dual-tasking can be considered in terms of divided attention, which supposes that there is a single general pool of attentional resource that can be allocated across a range of tasks being performed simultaneously. Each task receives some attentional capacity and, if all of that capacity is devoted to one task, it should result in dual-task costs. However, dual-tasking can also be considered in terms of a component of executive function, where as long as the two tasks do not compete for the same specific cognitive processes, the dual-task costs are relatively limited. This chapter reviews the contribution of cognitive psychology and neuroscience to our understanding of dual-task performance.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Behavioural Neuroscience
ISBN (Print)9780128216361
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Sept 2021

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • dual-tasking
  • divided attention
  • working memory
  • assessment
  • aging
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • neuroimaging


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