Dynamic Behavior of Pressure Swing Adsorption Process for Nitrous Oxide Recovery from the Off-Gas of Adipic Acid Production

Dooyong Park, JeongHoon Kim, Hyungwoong Ahn, Chang-Ha Lee

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Most of the adipic acid is used to manufacture synthetic polymers such as nylon 6/6 and polyurethanes. The off-gas of adipic acid production mostly consists of N2O, O2, N2, CO2, and H2O. A significant amount of N2O (at a typical world scale plant: 13-26 MtCO2e per year) is emitted from the process. Since the global warming potential of N2O is about 330 times that of CO2, N2O is one of the representative non-CO2 greenhouse gases. Therefore, it should be recovered from the off-gases for the mitigation of global climate change. The recovered N2O can be widely applied to many industrial areas such as medicine, automotive, and food and beverage. In particular, high purity N2O is a high value-added chemical used in chemical vapor deposition process in semiconductor production. Proper adsorbent selection is required for the design of adsorption separation process. In this study, we evaluate the performance of adsorbents and examine the adsorbents are applicable to the adsorption equilibrium separation and kinetic separation process. Adsorption isotherms of N2O, O2, and N2 were measured on various carbon-based (activated carbon and carbon molecular sieve) and silica-based (zeolite and silica) adsorbents by a volumetric method. Adsorption amount, adsorption affinity and working capacity are compared among the adsorbents for equilibrium separation. Also, adsorption kinetics for each adsorbent is also evaluated by applying either the non-isothermal model or isothermal dual resistance model to experimental uptake curves. The parameters in each model considers the physical properties and adsorption characteristics of adsorbent-adsorbate systems. The validity of the equilibrium and kinetic results are confirmed by comparing the experimental breakthrough curves with the dynamic simulation results using the obtained values. Based on the breakthrough results, the simulations of the pressure swing adsorption process are conducted.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2019
Event2019 AIChE Annual Meeting - Hyatt Regency, Orlando, United States
Duration: 10 Nov 201915 Nov 2019


Conference2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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