Editorial responsibilities arising from personalization algorithms

A. Koene, E. Perez, H. Webb, M. Patel, Sofia Ceppi, Marina Jirotka, D. McAuley

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Social media platforms routinely apply personalization algorithms to ensure the content presented to the user is relevant and engaging. These algorithms are designed to prioritize and make some pieces of information more visible than others. However, there is typically no transparency in the criteria used for ranking the information, and more importantly, the consequences that the resulting content could have on users. Social media platforms argue that because they do not alter content, just reshape the way it is presented to the user, they are merely technological companies (not media companies). We highlight the value of a Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) approach to the design, implementation and use of personalization algorithms. Based on this and in combination with reasoned analysis and the use of case studies, we suggest that social media platforms should take editorial responsibility and adopt a code of ethics to promote corporate social responsibility.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2017
EventCEPE/ETHICOMP 2017: Values in Emerging Science and Technology - University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Duration: 5 Jun 20178 Jun 2017


ConferenceCEPE/ETHICOMP 2017
Abbreviated titleETHICOMP
Internet address


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