Effects of reading strategies on reading behaviour and comprehension: Implications for teaching study skills

Sarah J. White, Shi Hui Wu, Fawziah S. Qahtani, Kayleigh L. Warrington, Faye O. Balcombe, Kevin B. Paterson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We summarised findings of our ESRC funded project “Revealing the Implications of Reading Strategy for Reading Behaviour and Comprehension”. The research employed eye-tracking methods, such that measures of when and where the eyes move reveal what is processed when during reading and skimming. Experiments that include manipulations of text characteristics help reveal how reading strategies affect comprehension of text. Our findings have important implications for teaching of reading strategy study skills. We are excited to engage those working in learning development to explore the implications of our findings for study skills teaching and to inform our programme of research.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Learning Development in Higher Education
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2022
EventALDinHE Conference 2022 - Online
Duration: 10 Jun 202210 Jun 2023


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