Abstract / Description of output

Introduction: Well-being programmes are often implemented in the workplace to improve employee health and, as a result, business outcomes (ex. reducing absence). However, they are seldom designed in a manner that is compatible with the organisational context, or with end-user involvement. This can lead to poor implementation, effectiveness and sustainability. Methods that facilitate the development or modification of health programmes while considering an organisation’s unique organisational cultural barriers are needed to address this gap.

Aim: To enable more effective implementation and adherence to workplace health programmes in contact centres.

Methods: This study involves UK contact centres from two organisations (essential services). Across three workshops, the first author worked with managers to accomplish the following in each organisation: 1) define the problem (with wellbeing programmes) and its causal factors (organisational cultural barriers), and 2) co-produce theories of change, theories of action and an action plan to solve the problem. Theories of action (action plans) were tested over three months. Survey and focus group data will be used to evaluate implementation and adapt action plans as necessary following a fourth (final) workshop.

Results: Organisation 1 (private sector, healthcare services) defined their problem as: low focus on engagement and participation in wellbeing activities. Organisation 2 (public sector, emergency services) defined their problem as: wellbeing programmes lack proactivity, engagement and sustainability. Each organisation developed a series of activities (action plan) to address the causal factors of their problem and initiate their theory of change pathways (desired short, medium and long-term outcomes). Examples of activities include: sanctioning time for well-being programme participation and improving programme promotion. Action plans are currently being tested, and an evaluation of their implementation will be conducted in early 2023.

Conclusion: This study provides learnings on how to facilitate more effective development (or modification) and implementation of workplace health programmes by including end-users in identifying and addressing organisational cultural barriers. Although the study was conducted in contact centres, results could be applied to other organisations with desk-based workers. The study also makes a theoretical contribution to the Six Steps in Quality Intervention Development framework (6SQuID), which underpins the workshops.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2022
EventSPARC: Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections: Conference 2022 - Edinburgh
Duration: 9 Nov 202211 Nov 2022


ConferenceSPARC: Scottish Physical Activity Research Connections: Conference 2022
Internet address


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