Entertaining Code: File Sharing, Digital Rights Management Regimes, and Criminological Theories of Compliance

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

This article outlines some of the main types of file-sharing systems and summarizes survey findings relating to file-sharing use. Three related theoretical models of compliance seeking through the use of technology are discussed, namely Lessig's (involving ‘code’ and ‘architecture’), Bottoms' (involving ‘constraint-based compliance’) and Clarke and others' work on ‘situational crime prevention’, and each is then applied to the specific topic of the illegal and legal distribution of music and films on the Internet.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)287-303
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Review of Law, Computers and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • cybercrime compliance criminology Internet DRM


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