Environmental tobacco smoke exposure among electronic cigarette users

Hai V Nguyen, Aziz Sheikh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) from combustible tobacco products causes various diseases and makes quitting smoking more difficult. However, little is known about exposure of e-cigarette users to ETS from combustible tobacco products. This study aimed to investigate e-cigarette users' exposure to ETS from tobacco smokers.

Methods: The association between ETS exposure frequency and different types of smokers including e-cigarette users was examined using ordered logistic regression analysis and nationally representative survey data on 28,765 individuals who were interviewed in the Canadian Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Surveys conducted during 2013 and 2015. Survey respondents were classified into one of five smoker types: smokers of tobacco only, dual users of tobacco and e-cigarettes, users of e-cigarette only, former smokers and never smokers. The analyses were conducted using the entire sample and by age group.

Results: Young to mid-age (15–54) dual users of both regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes have higher ETS exposure than even tobacco smokers. Young to mid-age single users of e-cigarettes are less exposed to ETS than tobacco smokers, but still have higher ETS than never smokers. At older age (55+), both dual and single e-cigarette users face similar risks of ETS exposure as tobacco smokers.

Conclusions: E-cigarette users are at high risk of ETS exposure. Policies that target the behaviour of e-cigarette users as well as the environments surrounding them to address their high ETS exposure risk would be beneficial.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)92
Number of pages97
JournalAddictive Behaviors
Early online date25 Sept 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 25 Sept 2018


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