Estimates for capacity and discrepancy of convex surfaces in sieve-like domains with an application to homogenization

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Abstract / Description of output

We consider the intersection of a convex surface Γ with a periodic perforation of Rd, which looks like a sieve, given by Tε=⋃k∈Zd{εk+aεT} where T is a given compact set and aε≪ε is the size of the perforation in the ε-cell (0,ε)d⊂Rd. When ε tends to zero we establish uniform estimates for p-capacity, 1<p<d, of the set Γ∩Tε. Additionally, we prove that the intersections Γ∩{εk+aεT}k are uniformly distributed over Γ and give estimates for the discrepancy of the distribution. As an application we show that the thin obstacle problem with the obstacle defined on the intersection of Γ and the perforations, in a given bounded domain, is homogenizable when p<1+d4. This result is new even for the classical Laplace operator.
Original languageEnglish
Article number138
Number of pages14
JournalCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
Early online date2 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2016


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