Evaluation of anti-insulin receptor antibodies as potential novel therapies for human insulin receptoropathy using cell culture models

Gemma V. Brierley, Kenneth Siddle, Robert Semple

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Objective: Biallelic loss-of-function mutations in the insulin receptor (INSR) commonly cause extreme insulin resistance and early mortality. Therapeutic options are limited, but anti-INSR antibodies have previously been shown to activate two mutant receptors, S323L and F382V. This study evaluates four well characterised murine anti-INSR monoclonal antibodies with distinct epitopes (83-7, 83-14, 18-44, 18-146) as surrogate agonists for potential targeted treatment of severe insulin resistance arising from insulin receptoropathies.
Methods: Ten naturally occurring mutant human INSRs with defects affecting different aspects of receptor function were modelled and assessed for response to insulin and anti-INSR antibodies. A novel 3T3-L1 adipocyte model of insulin receptoropathy was generated permitting conditional knockdown of endogenous mouse Insr by lentiviral expression of species-specific shRNAs with simultaneous expression of human mutant INSR transgenes.
Results: All expressed mutant INSR bound to all antibodies tested. Eight mutants showed antibodyinduced autophosphorylation while co-treatment with antibody and insulin increased maximal phosphorylation compared to insulin alone. After knockdown of mouse Insr and expression of mutant INSR in 3T3-L1 adipocytes two antibodies (83-7 and 83-14) activated signalling via AKT preferentially over signalling via ERK1/2 for seven mutants. These antibodies stimulated glucose
uptake via P193L, S323L, F382V, and D707A mutant INSR, with antibody response greater than insulin response for D707A
Conclusions: Anti-insulin receptor monoclonal antibodies can activate selected naturally occurring mutant human insulin receptors, bringing the prospect of novel therapy for severe insulin resistance caused by recessive mutations closer.
Original languageEnglish
Early online date27 Apr 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 27 Apr 2018


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