Evolution and Impact of High Content Imaging

Gregory P. Way, Heba Sailem, Steven Shave, Richard Kasprowicz, Neil O Carragher*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The field of high content imaging has steadily evolved and expanded substantially across many industry and academic research institutions since it was first described in the early 1990’s. High content imaging refers to the automated acquisition and analysis of microscopic images from a variety of biological sample types. Integration of high content imaging microscopes with multiwell plate handling robotics enables high content imaging to be performed at scale and support medium- to high-throughput screening of pharmacological, genetic and diverse environmental perturbations upon complex biological systems ranging from 2D cell cultures to 3D tissue organoids to small model organisms. In this perspective article the authors provide a collective view on the following key discussion points relevant to the evolution of high content imaging:
● Evolution and impact of high content imaging: An academic perspective
● Evolution and impact of high content imaging: An industry perspective
● Evolution of high content image analysis
● Evolution of high content data analysis pipelines towards multiparametric and phenotypic profiling applications
● The role of data integration and multiomics
● The role and evolution of image data repositories and sharing standards
● Future perspective of high content imaging hardware and software
Original languageEnglish
JournalSlas Discovery
Early online date3 Sept 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Sept 2023


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