Evolving spin periodicity and lock-in transition in the frustrated ordered ilmenite-type β−Mn2InSbO6

Ángel M. Arévalo-lópez, Elena Solana-madruga, Eugenia P. Arévalo-lópez, Dmitry Khalyavin, Michal Kepa, Antonio J. Dos Santos-garcía, Regino Sáez-puche, J. Paul Attfield

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Polar magnets are promising materials for new applications as multiferroics or in spintronics. In double corundum-related oxides, the cation ordering imposes a polar structure and the use of high pressure facilitates the insertion of magnetic cations into the compounds. Here we present the high-pressure synthesis of a new polar and ferrimagnetic corundum derivative Mn2InSbO6, which adopts the ordered-ilmenite-type structure. Neutron powder diffraction reveals that the high-temperature nearly collinear ferrimagnetic phase evolves to an incommensurate helical structure with kδ = [0 0 kz] propagation vector, which then locks to the commensurate value of kz = 1/8. This complex magnetic behavior is likely to be related to magnetic frustration and the polar nature of the ordered double corundum structure
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number21
Early online date4 Dec 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Dec 2018


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