Fast iterative solvers for large matrix systems arising from time-dependent Stokes control problems

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Abstract / Description of output

In this manuscript we consider the development of fast iterative solvers for Stokes control problems, an important class of PDE-constrained optimization problems. In particular we wish to develop effective preconditioners for the matrix systems arising from finite element discretizations of time-dependent variants of such problems. To do this we consider a suitable rearrangement of the matrix systems, and exploit the saddle point structure of many of the relevant sub-matrices involved – we may then use this to construct representations of these sub-matrices based on good approximations of their
(1,1)-block and Schur complement. We test our recommended iterative methods on a distributed control problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions, and on a time-periodic problem.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-101
Number of pages15
JournalApplied Numerical Mathematics
Early online date16 May 2016
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


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