From braces to pre-Lie rings

Aner Shalev, Agata Smoktunowicz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Let A be a brace of cardinality pn where p>n+1 is prime, and let ann(p2) be the set of elements of additive order at most p2 in this brace. We construct a pre-Lie ring related to the brace A/ann(p2).
In the case of strongly nilpotent braces of nilpotency index k<p the brace A/ann(p2) can be recovered by applying the construction of the group of flows to the resulting pre-Lie ring. We don't know whether, when applied to braces which are not right nilpotent, our construction is related to the group of flows. We use powerful Lie rings associated with finite p-groups in the study of brace automorphisms with few fixed points. As an application we bound the number of elements which commute with a given element in a brace, as well as the number of elements which multiplied from left by a given element give zero.
We also study various Lie rings associated to powerful groups and braces whose adjoint groups are powerful, and show that the obtained Lie and pre-Lie rings are also powerful.
We also show that braces whose adjoint groups are powerful and powerful left nilpotent pre-Lie rings are in one-to-one correspondence and that they are left and right nilpotent under some cardinality assumptions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1545-1559
JournalProceedings of the american mathematical society
Early online date11 Jan 2024
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2024


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