Genetic map construction and QTL mapping of resistance to blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) disease in Australian canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars

S. Kaur, N. O.I. Cogan, G. Ye, R. C. Baillie, M. L. Hand, A. E. Ling, A. K. McGearey, J. Kaur, C. J. Hopkins, M. Todorovic, H. Mountford, D. Edwards, J. Batley, W. Burton, P. Salisbury, N. Gororo, S. Marcroft, G. Kearney, K. F. Smith, J. W. ForsterG. C. Spangenberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Genetic map construction and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for blackleg resistance were performed for four mapping populations derived from five different canola source cultivars. Three of the populations were generated from crosses between single genotypes from the blackleg-resistant cultivars Caiman, Camberra and AVSapphire and the blackleg-susceptible cultivar Westar10. The fourth population was derived from a cross between genotypes from two blackleg resistant varieties (Rainbow and AVSapphire). Different types of DNA-based markers were designed and characterised from a collection of 20,000 EST sequences generated from multiple Brassica species, including a new set of 445 EST-SSR markers of high value to the international community. Multiple molecular genetic marker systems were used to construct linkage maps with locus numbers varying between 219 and 468, and coverage ranging from 1173 to 1800 cM. The proportion of polymorphic markers assigned to map locations varied from 70 to 89% across the four populations. Publicly available simple sequence repeat markers were used to assign linkage groups to reference nomenclature, and a sub-set of mapped markers were also screened on the Tapidor × Ningyou (T × N) reference population to assist this process. QTL analysis was performed based on percentage survival at low and high disease pressure sites. Multiple QTLs were identified across the four mapping populations, accounting for 13-33% of phenotypic variance (V p). QTL-linked marker data are suitable for implementation in breeding for disease resistance in Australian canola cultivars. However, the likelihood of shifts in pathogen race structure across different geographical locations may have implications for the long-term durability of such associations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-83
Number of pages13
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Issue number1
Early online date11 Oct 2009
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2009


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