Geometric IR subtraction for final state real radiation

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

A scheme is proposed for the subtraction of soft and collinear divergences present in massless final state real emission phase space integrals. The scheme is based on a local slicing procedure which utilises the soft and collinear factorisation properties of amplitudes to produce universal counter-terms whose analytic integration is relatively simple. As a first application the scheme is applied to establish a general pole formula for final state real radiation at NLO and NNLO in Yang Mills theory for arbitrary multiplicities. All required counter-terms are evaluated to all orders in the dimensional regulator in terms of Γ — and pFq hypergeometric — functions. As a proof of principle the poles in the dimensional regulator of the Hgggg double real emission contribution to the Hgg decay rate are reproduced.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2 Aug 2018

Keywords / Materials (for Non-textual outputs)

  • hep-ph
  • hep-th


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