Growing, harvesting and processing plants to instigate material awareness, conversations and change: Sharing a collaborative technical, academic and research journey with natural colour and regenerative materials in textiles

Collette Paterson*, Sally Buxton, Emily Criddle

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


The recent and significant shift from industry-driven thinking in design to that of people and natured-centred thinking is leading new materials choices and ways of making. Driven by the climate crisis, there is necessity for the textile industry and design education to respond wholeheartedly respond to these issues. Approaches towards the origins and journey of textile materials, considered material choices and their processing has seen teaching content, technical approaches and awareness, and student responses shift inordinately quickly within a short period.

This is exemplified through the sharing of work, methods and collaborative approaches centred on the growing, harvesting and processing of flax to create and instigate fibre, material awareness, community, conversations and change.

Sharing joint technical, research and academic perspectives, whilst working with flax and other natural and plant-based materials provides a distinct textile design, development and making focus.

Embracing long-established rhythms and methods, we will demonstrate flax materials in various stages of processing. Introducing, demonstrating, exploring and discussing the potential of this regenerative plant and fibre, as well as other colour-providing natural materials is the focus. Discussion centres around materiality, design potential and the ability to harness material concerns of the technical and academic community to formulate new ways to address the most pertinent environmental issues within and beyond textiles. This is achieved through a synchronised and sharing approach across the Textiles discipline
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 22 Feb 2023
EventETHO Technical Community Conference 2023: Pick & Mix - Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 22 Feb 202324 Feb 2023


ConferenceETHO Technical Community Conference 2023
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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