Guide to Writing Requirements

Lou Wheatcraft, Rick Zinni, Jeremy Dick, Kathy Baksa, Tim Kerby

Research output: Book/ReportBook

Abstract / Description of output

The INCOSE GtWR is a mature product that is used extensively by INCOSE members. This latest revision represents a further evolution of the concepts communicated within the Guide based on comments and inputs received from members of the RWG and larger body of INCOSE members. This revision also helps ensure the Guide and INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook version 5 are in harmony as well as the other major RWG products: the Needs and Requirements Manual (NRM), the Guide to Needs and Requirements (GtNR), and the Guide to Verification and Validation (GtVV).

Also available in the Store, is a separate 7 page summary of the GtWR including definitions, a summary of the characteristics of well-formed need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements, a summary of the rules for writing well-formed need and requirement statements and sets of needs and requirements, a summary of the attributes that can be combined with the need and requirements statements to form need and requirement expressions; as well as cross-reference matrices tying the various information together.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages115
Publication statusPublished - May 2022
Externally publishedYes

Publication series



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