Homecoming Veterans in Literature and Culture: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Warwick Series in the Humanities

Research output: Book/ReportBook


From Homer’s Odyssey itself, the return of the veteran to his or her home has been a central trope of the literary canon. Huge bureaucracies and a panoply of global organisations are deeply concerned with facilitating a painless return to stable homes. This book presents ‘homecoming’ as an analytical lens to better understand veterans' return and reintegration after conflict. Home is held to be multi-dimensional, a concept encapsulating the physical and the social, particularly disrupted by experiences of violence. Homecoming is, therefore, not a mere moment but a process that can unfold over years and decades as old and new bonds of familiarity are forged. Struggles over the home and homecoming are, moreover, endlessly political, bound up in questions of identity and the nation. Looking across times, places, and disciplines, the collection centres both historical and representational approaches to veterancy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages240
ISBN (Print)9781032733548
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


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