Humanoid Oculomotor Control Based on Concepts of Computational Neuroscience

Tomohiro Shibata, Sethu Vijayakumar, Jörg Conradt, Stefan Schaal

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

Abstract / Description of output

Oculomotor control in a humanoid robot faces similar problems as biological oculomotor systems, i.e., the stabilization of gaze in face of unknown perturbations of the body, selective attention, the complexity of stereo vision and dealing with large information processing delays. In this paper, we suggest control circuits to realize three of the most basic oculomotor behaviors- the vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic reflex (VOR-OKR) for gaze stabilization, smooth pursuit for tracking moving objects, and saccades for overt visual attention. Each of these behaviors was derived from inspirations from computational neuroscience, which proves to be a viable strategy to explore novel control mechanisms for humanoid robotics. Our implementations on a humanoid robot demonstrate good performance of the oculomotor behaviors that appears natural and human-like.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHumanoid Robots, IEEE-RAS International Conference on 2001
Publication statusPublished - 2001


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