Hydrothermal clays in Fe oxide deposits of Norrbotten County, northern Sweden: EuroClay

H. Albert Gilg, A. M. Hall, A. E. Fallick, F. Friedrich, Ulf B. Andersson

Research output: Other contribution

Abstract / Description of output

Europe’s largest Fe oxide deposits are hosted in Palaeoproterozoic supracrustal rock of the Fennoscandian Shield in the northern Norrbotten province, Sweden. Significant clay alteration zones occur at the present land surface and at depth in the Kiirunavaara, Malmberget, Gruvberget, Leveäniemi and Mertainen iron oxide-apatite deposits that are hosted in Svecofennian, mostly intermediate to acid volcanic and subvolcanic rocks, but also in the vicinity of skarn-rich iron formations in the upper part of the older Karelian Greenstone group. A whitish, up to 30 m thick, soft clay alteration zone below glacial till was discovered in 1977 to 1979 by geophysical survey, trenching and drilling in the Vathanvaara area that hosts several prospects in skarn-rich iron formations. The
Original languageEnglish
TypeConference Abstract
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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