Idiopathic sterile pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis in a nine-month-old springer spaniel

Eduardo Fraga-manteiga, Gemma Fraga Veloso, Tobias Schwarz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

A 9-month old, intact male Springer Spaniel was presented with acute mandibular lymphadenopathy seven days following exploratory coeliotomy and biopsy of an enlarged mesenteric lymph node. Histology was consistent with sterile severe necrotizing pyogranulomatous inflammation. An underlying cause of the granulomatous lymphadenitis could not be identified. The dog responded to prednisolone, showing complete resolution of the clinical signs. This could be an unusual presentation of canine juvenile cellulitis, without a cutaneous component and without initial submandibular or prescapular lymphadenopathy.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere000347
JournalVet Record Case Reports
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2016


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