Imaging The Candidate Proto-planet HL Tau B

Jane Greaves, K. Rice, A. Richards, T. Muxlow, D. Forgan, B. Sibthorpe

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Our VLA and MERLIN radio images of the HL Tau system trace the emission from the proto-planetary disc at ultra-high resolution. A candidate proto-planet is seen at tens of AU from the star, at these long wavelengths where it stands out from the bright background disc. A simulation shows that gravitational instability within the disc is capable of forming this 10 Jupiter-mass object. Submillimetre images made recently with SCUBA-2 show that HL Tau's disc is perturbed by an interaction with XZ Tau, and this may have helped trigger disc fragmentation, in a flyby event as recent as a few thousand years ago.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2011
EventExtreme Solar Systems II - Wyoming, United States
Duration: 11 Sept 201117 Sept 2011


ConferenceExtreme Solar Systems II
Country/TerritoryUnited States
OtherAmerican Astronomical Society, ESS meeting #2, #8.05


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