Imaging vertical interfaces using acoustic time reversal

Satyan Singh, Andrew Curtis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

We have developed a novel approach to image vertical structures using multiply scattered waves. This method requires only a smooth seismic velocity model and data recorded at the surface. Previous methods to image near-vertical interfaces or faults using migration methods all require prior information about small-scale details in the seismic velocity model to infer the locations of multiple-scattering wave interactions. We used waves that had their last scattering interaction with near-vertical interfaces, while their other scattering points might be anywhere in the earth, including at the free surface. Our algorithm then images the final scattering point using a time-reversed mirror-style imaging condition, so we refer to the method as time-reversed mirror imaging. Artifacts in the images produced have clear causes and can be filtered out by stacking over shots and including contributions from multiples. Our numerical examples demonstrate the successful application of the method for staircase structures and a section of the Marmousi model. They also reveal a new way to diagnose errors in the smooth or reference velocity model used. In addition, our method can be used to image point scatterers in active seismic surveys or for event location in passive surveys.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)Q1-Q11
Issue number3
Early online date11 Mar 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2019


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