Immobile Choreography

Beverley Hood (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


Immobile Choreography is an installation by Beverley Hood, exhibited at the Suttie Arts Space, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, from 20th April – 16th June 2019 2019. The installation was commissioned by Grampian Hospitals Art Trust (GHAT) in partnership with University of Aberdeen’s Bio Medical Physics department, to mark IDentIFY, a pioneering research project developing Fast Field-Cycling MRI (FFC-MRI), a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, funded by Horizon2020.

During the MRI/FFC-MRI scanning process the subject is required remain as still as possible, wearing an MRI coil (head, breast, knee, etc). However, being immobile does not mean that we are empty of potential, imagination or in fact actual movement on a molecular level (which the FFC-MRI is influencing and aligning). The Immobile Choreography installation materialises the scanned body as a digital performer, transformed from the medical to poetic. The otherworldly performer acts out choreographed movement, imaginatively attuned to the parameters of the FFC-MRI scanner process and apparatus.

The installation is comprised of video projections, sound, lighting system and 3D printed MRI coils. The work was devised in collaboration with the IDentIFY project team, dancer Freya Jeffs and photographer Rebecca Milling.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherGrampian Hospitals Art Trust
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2019


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