Improving crack resistance of confined concrete by silica fume

AA Roslee, D Fernando, JCM Ho

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Silica fume is now an indispensable material for mixing high-strength because of its ultra fineness and the ability to fill into the interstitial void between cement and other fine powders. As such, concrete containing silica fume has better microstructural packing and hence lower porosity, which is very effective on demoting the formation and propagation of splitting cracks under compression. This suggests that concrete containing silica fume can delay the initiation of splitting crack and its development at post-cracking stage. In confined concrete column, it then infers that the same lateral strain and confining stress can be achieved at larger axial strain, which increases the ductility and deformability of the column.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS) - Hong Kong, China
Duration: 7 Dec 20169 Dec 2016


Conference8th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS)
CityHong Kong


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