In-Network Processing, User-Level Stacks and the Future of Internet Evolution

Felipe Huici, Michio Honda, Costin Raiciu

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In past years, it has become increasingly evident that the venerable end-to-end model often taught in networking courses has more to do with Internet lore than with the reality of the network today. Over time, operators have deployed a vast array of middleboxes to enhance the capabilities of the network, ranging from security (firewalls, IDSes, traffic scrubbers), traffic shaping (rate limiters, load balancers), dealing with address space exhaustion (NATs) or improving performance (traffic accelerators, caches, proxies), to name a few. Middleboxes are ubiquitous: a third of access networks show symptoms of stateful middlebox processing [4] and in enterprise networks there are as many middleboxes deployed as routers and switches [6].
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jan 2015
EventIAB Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet 2015 - Zürich, Switzerland
Duration: 26 Jan 201527 Jan 2015


WorkshopIAB Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet 2015
Abbreviated titleSEMI 2015
Internet address


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