Innovative experiments which helped to unravel the aetiological basis of hay fever

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Abstract / Description of output

HAY-FEVER has, in England, been for some years attracting a considerable share of attention among the members of the medical profession and also in a less degree amongst those who are unconnected with the profession. Hitherto, however, its causes and, to some extent, its real nature have been imperfectly understood. In the investigations which are detailed in the following pages the object has been to test, by actual experiment, the validity of the opinions held on the causes of the disease, as well as to collect additional information upon points which were uncertain or doubtful, and thus to help to clear up some of the obscurities which have rested upon the subject . . . . . . I have now completed the task I set myself when I commenced my investigation on the causes and nature of hay-fever. Upon the results of this inquiry the reader can now form his own opinion. To my own mind the investigation has furnished conclusive evidence that, in this country, the exciting causes of the malady, as it occurs in summer, is the pollen of the grasses and the cereals; and also of the fact that, if a patient can, at the time these are in flower, avoid the neighbourhood where they are grown, he will to a large extent escape the attacks.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLandmark Papers in Allergy: Seminal Papers in Allergy with Expert Commentaries
EditorsAziz Sheikh, Thomas Platts-Mills, Allison Worth
PublisherOxford University Press
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2013


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