Invasion costs, impacts, and human agency: Response to Sagoff 2020

Ross N. Cuthbert, Sven Bacher, Tim M. Blackburn, Elizabeta Briski, Christophe Diagne, Jaimie T. A. Dick, Franz Essl, Piero Genovesi, Philip J. Haubrock, Guillaume Latombe, Bernd Lenzner, Yves Meinard, Anibal Pauchard, Petr Pyšek, Anthony Riccidardi, David M. Richardson, James C Russell, Daniel Simberloff, Franck Courchamp

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


Article impact statement: In an era of profound biodiversity crisis, invasion costs, invader impacts, and human agency should not be dismissed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1579-1582
Number of pages4
JournalConservation biology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2020


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