Inverness, Longman Landfill Masterplan

Lisa MacKenzie (Designer)

Research output: Non-textual formDesign


Inverness, Longman Landfill Masterplan
Lisa Mackenzie, 7N Architects, RPS Engineers
October 2010
Design, Framework
In public domain in March The Highland Council commissioned 7N in collaboration with RPS, Graham and Sibbald, and Lisa Mackenzie Consultancy to develop a masterplan framework for the Longman Landfill site, Inverness. The framework will guide how the Longman Landfill site develops in the short, medium and longer term to maximise its potential on a phased basis as the environmental impacts from its previous use are mitigated over time.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe Highland Council
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2010


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