La traccia della negazione: Per un'ontologia delle relazioni a partire dall'olismo severiniano

Laura Candiotto

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The notion of “trace” appears in Severino’s works starting from La Gloria (2001), it assumes a central meaning in Oltrepassare (2007) and it is further elaborated in La morte e la terra (2011). It represents thus a relatively new concept connected with the testimony of Severino’s philosophy. However, already in La struttura originaria and then in Tautótēs it is possible to individuate
concepts connected to this notion, such as the necessary relation among the parts and between the parts and the whole. These concepts contribute to the constitution of a specific approach, which might be defined as “severinian holism”. Analyzing how the notion of trace outlines a relation that is established by means of negation, it will be possible to propose some traits of an ontology of relations based on the notions of what I call “transparent relation”, “transfiguration of the negation” and “integral relation”.
Original languageItalian
Title of host publicationA partire da Severino
Subtitle of host publicationSaggi di ontologia e metafisica
EditorsS. Sangiorgio, M. Simionato, L. V. Tarca
Place of PublicationRome
Number of pages35
ISBN (Print)978-88-548-8449-6
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2016

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