Language Involution

Rosie Heinrich, Sepideh Karami

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

Abstract / Description of output

As a languaged-based artistic research group formed in the destabilised social climate of 2020: what does it mean to collectively study language and its ways of thinking and doing? What and how can our Practices of Sharing contribute?

Language is at the heart of a complex of concerns, across diverse fields of study, that necessitate our collective fielding, bending, pluralising, breaking, queering, inventing, unmastering, expanding, reclaiming, … , … , … .

This session proposes the formation of a research cluster around the exploration of (new) words, languagings, grammars, expanded writing practices (inc. writing beyond the human), that are not only inclusive but also start from silenced, absenced voices, that strive to live into the decolonial politics that we are trying to create, and seek to shift our language/perception towards a non-anthropocentric worldview, encompassing of our unbounded multispecies existence.

- What are the implications of being more than one?
- How does this shape our language, thinking, perception, doing?
- How can we construct a language that can describe a world beyond the colonial relations of Modernity?
- What voices and characters construct such languages that not only criticise the existing situation (an ecological crisis), but also envisage that alternative world?
- What kind of practices do we need to share together in order to become something else together?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 15 Feb 2022
EventAffinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research -
Duration: 15 Feb 202215 Feb 2022


ConferenceAffinities + Urgencies in Language-based Artistic Research
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