Language sciences: Half a century on the linguistic frontiers

Sune Vork Steffensen, Carol Fowler, Graeme Trousdale

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

With this January 2017 issue of Language Sciences, the journal enters its 50th year as an outlet for research on the rich, heterogeneous phenomenon we have come to know, and love, as language. The very first issue that bore the words “Language Sciences” on its cover appeared in May 1968. At the time it was a publication of the Research Center for the Language Sciences at Indiana University, instigated by the chair of the Center, Thomas Albert Sebeok (1920–2001), who also wrote the very first piece in the journal: “Linguistics Here And Now” (Sebeok, 1968). The editor of the first issue was Bernard Spolsky, but, when he left Indiana for a position at the University of New Mexico, Kathleen Fenton took over, holding the position as editor until Indiana University discontinued the publication with the last issue in December 1977. Even if the journal in its first decade was mainly an in-house publication, its reputation among scholars in linguistics was so good that its resurrection was announced even before the termination of the journal. Thus, on the very last page of the very last issue, an announcement appeared: “After this issue, the publication of Language Sciences will be taken over by the International Christian University Language Sciences Summer Institute. The Director of the Institute, Fred C.C. Peng has announced that he plans to establish an interdisciplinary editorial board to oversee the publication, so that the quality of the journal will be maintained.”
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)A1-A4
JournalLanguage Sciences
Early online date14 Dec 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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