Learnscaping: Creating next-gen learning environments for pluriliteracies growth

Oliver Meyer, Margarete Imhof, Doreen Coyle, Mita Banerjee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Abstract / Description of output

In this first article, we would like to make a case for pluriliteracies as an appropriate framework for mapping the broader goals of 21st-century plurilingual education involving critical thinking, knowledge creation, application, and communication as well as social participation within and across individual subjects of schooling. We will argue that the processes of digitization and globalization have significantly impacted on the way we communicate and work and have not only raised the importance of literacies but also changed the very nature of literacies themselves. Next, we will present recent developments within the field of literacies research and demonstrate how these developments have influenced the Graz Group Pluriliteracies Framework for teaching and learning. In this article, we would like to expand the conceptual framework of PTL to demonstrate how an overarching ecological approach to deeper learning must move beyond the cognitive domain and take account of the affective domain and integrate the use of digital media in the classroom. We make a case for a new paradigm where the creation of ecological learning environments for plurilingual education and practices are situated.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCALL in multilingual contexts
PublisherMultilingual Matters Ltd
Number of pages23
ISBN (Print)9781788921473
Publication statusPublished - 9 Aug 2018


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