Lighting identification chart: GB 2480607 A

Kerby Tim (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

Abstract / Description of output

A lighting identification chart 102 has a grey patch lighting identification feature 104 and a three-part fiduciary marker 106,108, 110. The lighting identification chart 102 can be a small 18% reflectance 'grey card' produced with a fiduciary marker pattern on its surface. The fiduciary marker may comprise three separate fiduciary marks 106,108, 110 placed around the grey patch. This allows the imaging algorithm to determine the orientation of the card with respect to the camera, to locate the area of the gray patch. Their being further apart on the surface allows for more accurate determination of any transformation that needs to be applied to locate the gray patch. During image capture, the subject 112 presents the card 102 within the frame. The camera 114 recognizes the locating features 106,108, 110 and calculates a white balance based on the grey area 104 on the card 102.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberGB 2480607 A
Priority date24/05/10
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2011
Externally publishedYes


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