Low-energy states in N and two-proton emission of O

C. Angulo, E. Casarejos, P. Demaret, M. Gaelens, P. Leleux, M. Loiselet, A. Ninane, G. Ryckewaert, F. Vanderbist, M. Aliotta, T. Davinson, Z. Liu, A.S. Murphy, I.A. Roberts, P.J. Woods, J.S. Schweitzer, F.C. Barker, P. Descouvemont

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


We have investigated the low-energy states of N by the elastic scattering method in inverse kinematics using a C beam and a (CD) target. Recoil protons were detected at 16 laboratory angles θ = 4.6° - 18.9° in a ΔE - E detector system. Using the R-matrix method to analyse the C + p elastic cross sections, we found N to be unbound with respect to proton emission by 1.54±0.02 MeV with a decay width of 0.83±0.03. These results are used to calculate the two-proton decay width of the O ground state.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAIP Conference Proceedings
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2006


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