Making grammars concrete again: Aurélien Sauvageot's Esquisses of Finnish and Hungarian

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

Abstract / Description of output

Aurélien Sauvageot (1897-1988) produced two 'sketches' of the languages in which he specialised, Finnish (Esquisse de la langue finnoise, 1946) and Hungarian (Esquisse de la langue hongroise, 1951). These were intended as a new type of grammar, focussing on 'concrete' facts and aimed at a general reading public rather than specialists in linguistics. There are indications in the books themselves and in a review of the 1951 volume that Sauvageot's strategy was connected to his strong Marxist commitments, where 'concrete' aspects of a language's grammar represent the base in Marxist terms, and the more theoretical dimensions are superstructural. The two books are here examined in the light of Sauvageot's 'Linguistique et marxisme' of 1935, and of what I term his 'resistant embrace' of structuralism over the course of his career.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Architecture of Grammar
Subtitle of host publicationStudies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers
EditorsTim Denecker, Piet Desmet, Lieve Jooken, Peter Lauwers, Toon van Hal, Raf van Rooy
Place of PublicationLeuven, Paris, Bristol CT
Number of pages14
ISBN (Electronic)9789042946880
ISBN (Print)9789042946873
Publication statusPublished - 19 May 2022

Publication series

NameOrbis Supplementa


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