Mammalian PRP4 kinase copurifies and interacts with components of both the U5 snRNP and the N-CoR deacetylase complexes

Graham Dellaire, Evgeny M Makarov, Jeff J M Cowger, Dasa Longman, Heidi G E Sutherland, Reinhard Lührmann, Joseph Torchia, Wendy A Bickmore

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A growing body of evidence supports the coordination of pre-mRNA processing and transcriptional regulation. We demonstrate here that mammalian PRP4 kinase (PRP4K) is associated with complexes involved in both of these processes. PRP4K is implicated in pre-mRNA splicing as the homologue of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe pre-mRNA splicing kinase Prp4p, and it is enriched in SC35-containing nuclear splicing speckles. RNA interference of Caenorhabditis elegans PRP4K indicates that it is essential in metazoans. In support of a role for PRP4K in pre-mRNA splicing, we identified PRP6, SWAP, and pinin as interacting proteins and demonstrated that PRP4K is a U5 snRNP-associated kinase. In addition, BRG1 and N-CoR, components of nuclear hormone coactivator and corepressor complexes, also interact with PRP4K. PRP4K coimmunoprecipitates with N-CoR, BRG1, pinin, and PRP6, and we present data suggesting that PRP6 and BRG1 are substrates of this kinase. Lastly, PRP4K, BRG1, and PRP6 can be purified as components of the N-CoR-2 complex, and affinity-purified PRP4K/N-CoR complexes exhibit deacetylase activity. We suggest that PRP4K is an essential kinase that, in association with the both U5 snRNP and N-CoR deacetylase complexes, demonstrates a possible coordination of pre-mRNA splicing with chromatin remodeling events involved in transcriptional regulation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5141-56
Number of pages16
JournalMolecular and Cellular Biology
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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