Mean-field kinetic theory approach to evaporation of a binary liquid into vacuum

A. Frezzotti, L. Gibelli, D. A. Lockerby, J. E. Sprittles

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Abstract / Description of output

Evaporation of a binary liquid into near-vacuum conditions has been studied using numerical solutions of a system of two coupled Enskog-Vlasov equations. Liquid-vapor coexistence curves have been mapped out for different liquid compositions. The evaporation process has been investigated at a range of liquid temperatures sufficiently lower than the critical one for the vapor not to significantly deviate from the ideal behavior. It is found that the shape of the distribution functions of evaporating atoms is well approximated by an anisotropic Maxwellian distribution with different characteristic temperatures for velocity components normal and parallel to the liquid-vapor interface. The anisotropy reduces as the evaporation temperature decreases. Evaporation coefficients are computed based on the separation temperature and the maximum concentration of the less volatile component close to the liquid-vapor interface. This choice leads to values which are almost constant in the simulation conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number054001
JournalPhysical Review Fluids
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2018


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