MilkIT innovation platform: Changing women's lives - one cow and one litre of milk at a time - deep in the foothills of India's Himalayan mountains

T. Ravichandran, N. Teufel, A. Duncan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In 2012, Tulsi Devi, a 39-year-old widow from the Baseri village in the Himalayan hills of Uttarakhand, India was left struggling to make ends meet. Her husband had died a few years back after a prolonged battle with alcohol addiction. She found herself with just one indigenous cow and a buffalo and a small piece of land barely large enough to produce sufficient rice and wheat to feed her family. The distance from her village to the nearest mountain road leading to the local market made it impossible to sell her surplus milk. She struggled even to pay school fees for her children. Seeing no other option, she sent her eldest son, Sunder, who was only 15, to Delhi to work in a factory.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInnovation Platforms for Agricultural Development
Subtitle of host publicationvaluating the mature innovation platforms landscape
ISBN (Electronic)9781317296140
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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