Mixed-Methods Evaluation of Real-Time Safety Reporting by Hospitalized Patients and Their Care Partners: The MySafeCare Application

S Collins, Brittany Couture, Ann Debord Smith, Esteban Gershanik, Elizabeth Lilley, Frank Chang, Cathy Yoon, Stuart Lipsitz, Aziz Sheikh, James Benneyan, David W Bates

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: The aims of the study were to evaluate the amount and content
of data patients and care partners reported using a real-time electronic
safety tool compared with other reporting mechanisms and to understand
their perspectives on safety concerns and reporting in the hospital.
Methods: This study used mixed methods including 20-month preimplementation and postimplementation trial evaluating MySafeCare, a web-based
application, which allows hospitalized patients/care partners to report safety
concerns in real time. The study compared MySafeCare submission rates
for three hospital units (oncology acute care, vascular intermediate care, medical intensive care) with submissions rates of Patient Family Relations (PFR)
Department, a hospital service to address patient/family concerns. The study
used triangulation of quantitative data with thematic analysis of safety concern submissions and patient/care partner interviews to understand submission content and perspectives on safety reporting.
Results: Thirty-two MySafeCare submissions were received with an average rate of 1.7 submissions per 1000 patient-days and a range of 0.3 to
4.8 submissions per 1000 patient-days across all units, indicating notable
variation between units. MySafeCare submission rates were significantly
higher than PFR submission rates during the postintervention period on
the vascular unit (4.3 [95% confidence interval = 2.8–6.5] versus 1.5
[95% confidence interval = 0.7–3.1], Poisson) (P = 0.01). Overall trends
indicated a decrease in PFR submissions after MySafeCare implementation. Triangulated data indicated patients preferred to report anonymously
and did not want concerns submitted directly to their care team.
Conclusions: MySafeCare evaluation confirmed the potential value of
providing an electronic, anonymous reporting tool in the hospital to capture
safety concerns in real time. Such applications should be tested further as
part of patient safety programs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e75-e81
JournalJournal of patient safety
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


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