Mofuku no kaishaku. Kodai Chūgoku girei sho ni mieru sōsai girei ni kansuru chūki no teisai to naiyō 「喪服」の解釈. 古代中國儀礼書にみえる葬祭儀礼に 關する注記の体裁と內容: Mofuku den o chūshin ni 「喪服傳」を中心に

Translated title of the contribution: Exegesis of the ‚Mourning Garment’ chapter: commentarial forms and contents on burial rites in the ancient Chinese ritual books: With focus on the Sangfu zhuan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Translated title of the contributionExegesis of the ‚Mourning Garment’ chapter: commentarial forms and contents on burial rites in the ancient Chinese ritual books: With focus on the Sangfu zhuan
Original languageOther
Title of host publicationRyōkan Jukyō no shin kenkyū 兩漢儒教の新研究
EditorsYoshihiro 義浩 Watanabe 渡邊
Place of PublicationTokyo
Number of pages26
ISBN (Print)978-4-7629-2850-5 C3022
Publication statusPublished - 2008

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