Mrs. Darling’s Kiss

David Moore (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

Abstract / Description of output

On 7th July, Arch 402 Gallery presents Mrs. Darling’s Kiss, a multimedia group exhibition featuring works by UK-based and international artists who reflect and ‘know’ the enigmatic, the intriguing, the frustrations and lure of desire. The resulting works, ranging from painting to sculpture, installation and film, highlight the hidden power and potency that comes from artifice and its ability to linger in our imagination. The exhibition title takes its cue from the J.M. Barrie writings about Peter Pan, in which Mrs. Darling possesses an unreachable kiss.

Works by: Joan Ashworth, Louise Bourgeois, Steve Bunn, Tom Chamberlain, Stephen Chambers, Denise de Cordova, Kate Davis & David Moore, Dexter Dymoke, Jonas Grimas, Jane Harris, Tim Long, Rosa Loy, Lee Maelzer, Nicholas Pankhurst, Kate Rowles, Fiona Shaw and Mike Taylor.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2011


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