Multi-Criteria Assessment tool to monitor and analysis co-benefits of the development and deployment of Smart Local Energy Systems project.

Bjarnhedinn Gudlaugsson, R. Camilla Thomson, David Ingram, Christina Francis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Abstract / Description of output

The ability to assess and understand the socioeconomic and environmental co-benefits, technical requirement and resources utilization of energy system development and deployment is a critical drive to energy policy design and decision making whether it is on the project level or local and national governmental levels, since it helps in gathering political and public support for energy development project. The SLES-MCA tool propose in this paper provides a comprehensive assessment tool based on over 40 assessment criteria across 6 assessment themes. Allowing the SLES-MCA tool to capture complex aspects of energy system development and deployment, with primary focus providing energy system development project with comprehensive, insightful and useful information that help understand the co-benefits attained from the project and provide support for further energy system development
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 2022
EventGrand Renewable Energy 2022 International Conference: How to accelerate Renewable Energy Integration - Online
Duration: 13 Dec 202220 Dec 2022


ConferenceGrand Renewable Energy 2022 International Conference
Internet address


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