Multiplexed fibre optic sensing in the distal lung

Tushar Choudhary, Michael G. Tanner, Alicia Megia Fernandez, Kerrianne Harrington, Harry A. C. Wood, Sunay Chankeshwara, Patricia Zhu, Debaditya Choudhury, Fei Yu, Robert Thomson, Rory Duncan, Kanwaldeep Dhaliwal, Mark Bradley

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We present a toolkit for a multiplexed pH and oxygen sensing probe in the distal lung using multicore fibres. Measuring physiological relevant parameters like pH and oxygen is of significant importance in understanding changes associated with disease pathology. We present here, a single multicore fibre based pH and oxygen sensing probe which can be used with a standard bronchoscope to perform in vivo measurements in the distal lung. The multiplexed probe consists of fluorescent pH sensors (fluorescein based) and oxygen sensors (Palladium porphyrin complex based) covalently bonded to silica microspheres (10 µm) loaded on the distal facet of a 19 core (10 µm core diameter) multicore fibre (total diameter of ~150 µm excluding coating). Pits are formed by selectively etching the cores using hydrofluoric acid, multiplexing is achieved through the self-location of individual probes on differing cores. This architecture can be expanded to include probes for further parameters. Robust measurements are demonstrated of self-referencing fluorophores, not limited by photobleaching, with short (100ms) measurement times at low (~10µW) illumination powers. We have performed on bench calibration and tests of in vitro tissue models and in an ovine whole lung model to validate our sensors. The pH sensor is demonstrated in the physiologically relevant range of pH 5 to pH 8.5 and with an accuracy of ± 0.05 pH units. The oxygen sensor is demonstrated in gas mixtures downwards from 20% oxygen and in liquid saturated with 20% oxygen mixtures (~8mg/L) down to full depletion (0mg/L) with ~0.5mg/L accuracy
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Apr 2017
EventSPIE BiOS, 2017 -
Duration: 19 Apr 201719 Apr 2017


ConferenceSPIE BiOS, 2017


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