Neutral kaon mixing beyond the standard model with nf=2+1 chiral fermions

P. A. Boyle, N. Garron, R.J. Hudspith

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We compute the hadronic matrix elements of the four-quark operators needed for the study of neutral kaon mixing beyond the Standard Model (SM). We use nf=2+1 flavours of domain-wall fermions (DWF) which exhibit good chiral-flavour symmetry. The renormalization is performed non-perturbatively through the RI-MOM scheme and our results are converted perturbatively to MSbar. The computation is performed on a single lattice spacing a=0.086 fm with a lightest unitary pion mass of 290 MeV. The various systematic errors, including the discretisation effects, are estimated and discussed. Our results confirm a previous quenched study, where large ratios of non-SM to SM matrix elements were obtained.
Original languageEnglish
Article number054028
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 2012


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