Nostalgias: Visualising Longing

Susanne Ramsenthaler (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

Abstract / Description of output

Video piece showing at the ,Nostalgias' exhibition and screening at the conference on November 10. See attached publicity material.

1 - 12 NOVEMBER 2013


The exhibition, coinciding with the Nostalgias: Visualising Longing conference, explores nostalgia for place, home, imaginary homelands. Focusing on photographic and sensory work that explores the interpretations of nostalgia and longing, the work in the exhibition is not in itself nostalgic, but investigates how nostalgia has manifested itself in contemporary art practice.

The exhibition shows a wide collection of responses ranging from Kate McLean’s Sensory Maps which categorise participants’ nostalgic smell memories, to Michaela French’s captured lights in the sculpture A Collected History of Light. Photographic work includes Nils Olav Bøe’s tiny modelled scenes of staged reality that he has photographed, creating pictures of a threatening idyll and the work by Philipp Ebeling Land Without Past, which explores Germany’s non-nostalgia as a means of separation from the past.

Especially curated by Monica Takvam and Sam Vale to coincide with the conference, this exhibition brings together the work of 10 national and international artists from Taiwan, Norway, Germany and the UK, offering a unique range of questions and responses to what it means to long for another place.

We look forward to seeing you at the gallery.

Exhibiting artists:
Nicky Bird (UK)
Jacqueline Butler (UK)
Nils Olav Bøe (Norway)
Philipp Ebeling (Germany / UK)
Michaela French (UK)
Kate McLean (UK)
Susanne Ramsenthaler (UK)
Emma Jane Spain (UK)
Dafna Talmor (UK)
Chu YinHua (Taiwan)

Pie Factory Gallery
5 Broad St
Margate Old Town
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMargate
PublisherCanterbury Christ Church University The University of the Arts London Photography and the Archive Research Centre (PARC) at the London College of Communication
Media of outputFilm
Size'BookEnds', digital video, 5:40 mins looped.
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2013


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